Friday, 30 April 2010

Summary Package 2

The rediscovery of the Shang began with the discovery of turtle shells and large cattle bones inscribed with ancient Chinese characters, the first written text of Shang. The inscriptions were about events of national significance, natural disasters and insignificant happenings. Legend said that Wang Yirong’s family bought turtle shells to make medicine, only to find inscriptions of strange characters that resembled written Chinese. As an archaeologist, he was the first to build up a collection of oracle bones. Shang fortune tellers foretold predictions about the future and then used oracle bones to check whether the event would occur. The bones were cleaned and thinned, then applied to a hot object until the surface cracked. The cracked shell or bones were then presented to the king. The king’s interpretation of the cracks was engraved onto the shell together with the original prediction. Writings on oracle bones were recorded account of Shang. Reference to historical personalities to prove their existence dispelled some misconceptions of Shang.

(153 words)

Posted at 8:40 am

Summary Package 1

Reality television, dominating the tube right now, is about the behaviour of real people in real situation being insulted and humiliated. Reality shows are clearly unreal and is an irony. The key moment of the show are staged. Reality shows are popular as it is cheap to produce. They are popular with viewers as people are nosy. It erases the boundaries between the public and private. Reality shows are unpredictable. As a result, they are a great and new way of telling a story. There are themes that the audience can identify with. Its popularity makes reality shows profitable. Reality shows will always have a place on television. However, its prospects are dim as producers will soon run out of ideas. It ruins reputation of network. They might face competition from other forms of programming in the future.

(128 words)

Posted at 7:53 am

Monday, 19 April 2010

International Friendship Day

What are the values of Excellence, Friendship and Respect mean to you?

: Excellence means doing the best you can all the time.
Friendship: Friendship among people of different races is the key to peace and harmony
Respect: Respect is not confined to respect for those in authority. Respect for peers and self - respect are equally important.

How have those values helped Singapore transform itself from Third World to First?

In Singapore we work very hard. This is an example for others to follow. We excel because we respect others. We build bonds as a nation and are willing to learn from other countries, respecting their values and sharing what we have.

Secondary 4/5 – Our World

How can you be a good ambassador of Singapore?

By upholding the good reputation of Singapore even when we are overseas and leaving a good impression on others that Singapore is educated and well – mannered.

Why do countries form alliances and can you name some examples of international alliances?

Countries form alliances to improve ties with each other and in case of war. Some examples of international alliances are the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

What are some merits of fostering close ties with other countries?

Countries could help each other in times of needs, trade with each other to improve their economy and maintain peace between both countries.

What are some of the things that unite nations and bring them together?

Peace, economy relations and friendship unite nations and bring them together.

Posted at 10:37 am

Total Defence Day

Total defence day is the day British surrendered to the Japanese. It shows that we have to protect Singapore and not rely on others.

During Total Defence Day, the school commemorated Total Defence Day by several events. There were fire drill to make sure we are prepared in times of emergency, food rationing and the Total Defence Trail (TDT). During the TDT I have learnt that we must ourself defend Singapore as we cannot rely on anyone. We must preserve racial and religious harmony so Singapore is united. Most importantly, I learnt that Singapore is our homeland and this is where we belong.

The school commemorate Total Defence Day to help us and others to be prepared in times of needs.

Posted at 10:15 am